Information about the grave of colonel Kazimierz Rozwadowski

The following information about the grave of colonel Kazimierz Rozwadowski we received from Mr. Yuriy Dorohyy from Tarnopol (Ukraine):

Dear Ladies and gentlemen,

This information which you may find interesting is about Kazimierz Rozwadowski (1757 – 1836), coat of arms: Trąby (Trumpets). He was a colonel in the Polish army and comrade of Tadeusz Kościuszko.

In Rorzysk, a village in the district of Podwłoczysk in the region of Tarnopol and ½ km from my family village Tarnoruda there is a small chapel near the church with an engraved inscription with the names of Kazimierz Rozwadowski and his wife Anna. I enclose photos of this historical memorial.

Yours sincerely,

Yuriy Dorohyy



We will try to make an effort to renovate the grave of our common, illustrious ancestor. Below some more photos of the grave from Mr. Yuriy Dorohyy.


Information about the grave of colonel Kazimierz Rozwadowski